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React ES6

About ES6

It was created to standardize JavaScript language to bring multiple implementations. It has introduced several new features such as a new loop for iterating over arrays, block-scoped variables, template literals, and many more Changes to make JavaScript programming easier. ECMA Script is most commonly used for client-side scripting, specifically in the World Wide Web. It is in huge demand for writing server-based applications and broader services by making use of node.js.

ES6 is the ECMA script programming language, the next version after 5 was released in 2015. It is used to create the standards for JavaScript language such that it can bring multiple independent implementations. ECMAScript 2015 was the second major revision to JavaScript.

Why Should We Learn ES6?

ECMAScript standards have given us a lot of new functionalities that did not exist in JavaScript before. Even if you have previous experience in JS, you will face many difficulties if you don’t have a proper understanding of ES6 features, especially when you working on React. In this article, we are going to discuss the most notable new features in ES6 that are frequently used in React.

We should familiar with some of the new features for the React like: